Monday, November 30, 2009

Spoken INK presents Bryant Ross in his own words....

Storyteller Bryant Ross puts his spin on the art of spoken creative non-fiction, December 15th Spoken INK.

The James Street Café in Burnaby is definitely the place to be at 8:00 p.m. on December 15, 2009. Bryant Ross is Spoken INK’s featured guest. An open mic follows with this month’s topic, Thresholds.

For the last three years Bryant Ross has been telling stories in various venues around Vancouver, mostly at the "Thundering Word" open mic and Vancouver Story Slam, but has also appeared twice in the "In the House" and once in the "Under the Volcano" festivals.

Bryant is a 47 year old, 28 year veteran of the Langley Fire Department and lives in Langley with his wife, three kids and two hound dogs. He prefers to be known as a "Storyteller," though he’s been called other things.

Storytelling is the second oldest profession... those who availed themselves of the oldest profession had to come up with a good story to tell their wives when they got caught"
~ Grandaddy Ross

It may be almost winter, but things are warm and toasty at December’s Spoken INK! Pull up a comfy chair, order some Christmas cheer and warm up before the festive fire.

Spoken INK is the open mic/reading series brought to you by the Burnaby Writers’ Society every third Tuesday (September to June) at the James Street Café, just one short block east of Boundary Road on Canada Way at Smith (NE corner) in Burnaby. Open mic sign-up time is 7:30 p.m.

For more information contact

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